
Welcome to the Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League Website! Our chapter is dedicated to educating the public about the Japanese American experience, monitoring legislation affecting minority human and civil rights, addressing hate crimes and fostering Japanese American culture.

We invite you to browse the information provided here and to please consider becoming a member of our organization to support the rich cultural and historical heritage of Japanese Americans in Sonoma County, California.


Sonoma County JACL

Sonoma County JACL


A local chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League in Sonoma County.

2 days ago

Sonoma County JACL
JACL Condemns “Operation Aurora” and Calls for passage of the “Neighbors Not Enemies Act October 15, 2024For Immediate ReleaseSeia Watanabe, VP Public Affairs, swatanabe@jacl.orgMatthew Weisbly, Education Programs Manager, mweisbly@jacl.org On October 11th, 2024, Former President and current Presidential Candidate Donald Trump told a host of people at his rally in Aurora, Colorado, that if he were to win the 2024 Presidential race he would invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to enforce country-wide mass deportations of so-called migrant criminal networks which he has dubbed “Operation Aurora”. In the days following, Former President Trump repeated these statements at rallies in Prescott Valley, Arizona, and Coachella, California. The JACL strongly condemns the words of Former President Trump and renews its call on Congress to pass the Neighbors Not Enemies Act (H.R. 3610/S.1747) introduced by Representative Ilhan Omar and Senator Mazie Hirono, which would repeal the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. As the only remaining component of the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Alien Enemies Act grants the president with the power to authorize the arrest, detention, and deportation of citizens of an “enemy nation” during wartime. While detained, foreign nationals of enemy nations would be treated as prisoners of war and could even be detained after hostilities with an enemy nation ceased. This controversial act was first used by President Roosevelt in 1941 to arrest and detain citizens of Japan, Germany, and Italy without due process. In 1942 President Roosevelt expanded the scope of his wartime powers to issue Executive Order 9066 which led to the mass incarceration of over 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry. The Alien Enemies Act was also referenced by Former President Trump in 2016 when he issued Executive Order 13769 also known as the “Muslim Ban” that prohibited individuals from predominantly Muslim nations from entering the United States, under the false guise of national security. The utilization of the Alien Enemies Act as a broad immigration enforcement tool is a gross misapplication of a centuries-old law meant specifically for use in wartime. The suggestion that migrant communities originate from enemy nations and that the United States is at war with migrants is poisonous rhetoric that only seeks to divide the American people, distance the United States from neighboring countries and dehumanize migrant families and communities seeking a better life in the United States.JACL Executive Director, David Inoue stated “Former President Trump has peddled a false narrative of immigrants as a broad threat to our country. While there are many in this country who face challenges in an economy that has benefited a wealthy minority and any potential for violence can strike fear in any community, the source of these difficulties is not from immigrants who actually bring economic growth and vibrancy to the communities in which they reside. Spreading lies that incite escalating fear will lead to dire consequences such as the Japanese American community experienced during WWII.”We at the JACL renew our commitment to protecting the rights of all people, regardless of their citizenship status or nation of origin. We urge the public and our partners to stand with us and call on Congress to pass the Neighbors Not Enemies Act before the Alien Enemies Act can once again be used to violate the due process and equal protection rights of people residing in the United States. Additionally, we call on the public and our leaders of good conscience to stand against increasing xenophobic rhetoric and condemn Former President Trump’s continuing attacks on immigrant communities. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Sonoma County JACL
Virtual Symposium - Trans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act hosted by Okaeri, JACL, and PFLAG SGV APITrans Allyship: Learn, Grow, Act is a joint effort by Okaeri, the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and PFLAG. This effort grew from the realization that the transgender community, and its Japanese American and API members, are largely invisible and misunderstood both in LGBTQ+ spaces and especially among allies. Through this symposium, we aim to address this gap by (1) facilitating a basic understanding of the trans community, and (2) emphasizing touchpoints of Heart, Head, and Home: to connect, educate, and encourage attendees to take action in their own communities. In doing so, we hope to educate and inform allies about the transgender community to help them make better-informed and more inclusive social, community, and civic choices.The symposium will be held virtually over Zoom on Saturday September 28th from 10am-3:30pm PST, and will feature an opening plenary, guest speakers, workshops, and discussion groups exploring areas of advocacy, information, and family support. Registration is free and open to all. jacl.wufoo.com/forms/trans-allyship-learn-grow-act-registration-form ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Sonoma County JACL
Analy High School Zen Garden Mural UpdateBy Phyllis TajiiSonoma County JACL is supporting a project being completed at Analy High School. The Zen Garden is a project started by Owen Foley last year when he was a student there. Owen planned, obtained approval from the school board and is completing his vision of a Zen rock garden with a mural painted in the background. Owen was inspired to honor the Japanese Americans in the community who were forced to leave their homes to live in concentration camps during WWII. Traveling to Japan with the Sebastopol World Friends Sister City program and hearing the stories of the Japanese Americans who lived in Sebastopol during the war motivated him to pursue this project. A talented artist, Owen designed the mural and is doing the artwork himself. We look forward to its completion and installation of the rock garden in the planter in front. Here in the meantime, is the mural that is still a work in progress. ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Sonoma County JACL
Japantown History Mural ProjectThe San Francisco Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League, established in San Francisco in 1929, and Mission Art 415, a leading mural arts organization dedicated to empowering local artists, propose a Japantown History Mural to depict the history of San Francisco Japantown on the exterior wall of the Peace Plaza facing the Geary Expressway.The impetus for the Japantown History Mural is the preservation of the storied history of our community’s resilience despite upheavals and challenges to its survival. The mural will illustratea timeline of our community, featuring large format portraits of 9 influential leaders who have shaped Japantown. The mural will also feature key events and places such as the wartime incarceration, a second forced removal by Redevelopment policies, and legacy Japantown businesses.The proposed mural is a public art project to be privately funded. We ask for your support ofthis historic and meaningful project that will celebrate our community. This mural will teach, ina beautiful and visual way, the significance of San Francisco Japantown, a community built on struggle.To sign the petition online please use the QR code below: ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Sonoma County JACL
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